Switch on to SO Switch!

In 2012, we successfully launched our own price comparison site www.soswitch.com and since then we have continued to generate high quality Mortgage and Life leads for our network of brokers.
We are constantly reviewing the website, enabling us to give the consumer the best possible experience and have just launched our brand new mortgage channel.
An easier journey for our customers will hopefully bring higher conversion rates for our brokers, so it’s a win win situation!
What makes our leads stand out us our super duper clear customer journey – we don’t believe in small print at SO Leads!
Following the applicant’s enquiry they are advised – via a great big blue box on the thank you page – that a Mortgage Adviser will be giving them a call. And we don’t just tell them this once…oh no!! We’re definitely making it clear to them. The applicant will also receive a fully branded email with the details of the broker that will be calling them.
Because the customer IS expecting your call – and because you know where your lead came from – this gives you a greater opportunity of converting your SO Switch leads.
And as we are so confident that you’ll be happy with the leads… we also offer you the best refund policy in the marketplace!